Muscle Spasms After Lower Back Injection on Opposite Side


Did you experience complications from your epidural steroid injection? What were they? Submit Your Comment

Comment from: Kiwi, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: November 09

My epidural steroid injection was for leg pain. Three days later, the pain got 10 times worse. I can now only walk with a walker and cane. No sleeping position is without pain. Marital relations are not possible. Five weeks later, I can take a few unaided steps around home. Standing for 30 seconds is not possible. The doctor has no idea.

Comment from: Shortboys , 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: November 09

I had an epidural steroid injection at L5-S1, and I felt immediate and extreme pressure through my entire body, which got worse. I had more intense pressure and pain at the groin. The pressure increased to the point of my almost passing out. I also had ringing in the ears and could barely hear the doctor speaking. After the epidural, I had pain in both legs when going upstairs and more pain in the left leg. I didn't have either of these problems before the epidural. Six months later I still have these problems.

Comment from: D, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: November 04

I had 3 epidural steroid injections over the space of 9 weeks during the summer of 2021 for radicular pain caused by bulging discs. None worked and the pain became so much worse during that time frame to the point that I now cannot walk more than 20 seconds without having to bend over for relief. Also, two toes that were previously fine are always numb or numb-ish. During one of the procedures I had the most intense flash of nerve pain ever experienced. I believe these shots made me worse. Be careful!

Comment from: Ali, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 30

After treatment with an epidural steroid injection, I am in more pain. I have throbbing pain in both legs and back. I'm shaky but not cold and can barely walk.

Comment from: Lellington3, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: September 22

I had a spinal tap on Friday, today is Monday. I had my spinal tap with conscious sedation. I highly recommend it. I was awake but pleasantly drowsy. I didn't feel a thing whatsoever. But I had a headache afterward with sitting or standing more than 15 minutes. Absolutely no headache lying flat. I have been lying flat for 3 days now. Didn't go to work today. Going tomorrow, but I think before the day is over tomorrow, I'll be going for a blood patch. I also had ringing ears with hearing going out.

Comment from: deedee, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 25

I had an epidural steroid injection done eight days ago. Then there's a bump on my left side and I am not sure that is normal. I am worried that I have infection.

Comment from: Patelini, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: September 02

I got an epidural steroid injection today to help treat my sciatica pain. I had it done at around 11 am, felt very little pain, and even now,, it's 9 pm and I don't feel very much pain. What is worrying me though is that my arms, face and chest feel numb and tingling. I tried calling after-hours to get my message to my doctor to call me back about three hours ago and no response. I've never had these types of injections before so I don't know if I should be concerned.

Comment from: Marsha P., 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 30

I had an epidural steroid injection (August 2021) into the left side L4-L5 vertebrae due to slight stenosis and it had no effect on me at all. So, I went back 2 weeks later and had another epidural injection done into the facets on left side, L4-L5. Well, first shot didn't go on, and the syringe blew onto the floor! The 2nd shot went in, the injection site was very sore, but hours later I developed a bad headache, was severely constipated and didn't sleep for 2 days. The aftermath continues...

Comment from: Xavier96, 75 or over Male (Patient) Published: August 17

I was living with pain for a year. After my first epidural steroid injection, I had some relief but after a couple of weeks the pain was back. Four weeks later, I had two epidural injections on either side of the cyst. Pain got better day by day and in 4 weeks I was pain free. It's been a month since the pain went away and I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Comment from: Traci, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 17

I have had 4 epidural steroid injections in the last 6 months. The first one helped in my sacroiliac (SI) joints. The last one was in my cervical spine and I feel no better. Actually, all my joints burn now and my lower back has been excruciatingly painful. My fingers go numb and I go numb down my legs with a pinching sensation.


Back Pain: 16 Back Pain Truths and Myths See Slideshow

Comment from: allis, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: August 11

I had my first epidural steroid injection about a year ago in my lower back and I felt absolutely amazing for 6 months. After six months the effects wore off rapidly, I mean being able to run and have fun to not being able to lie down without 8 very carefully placed pillows (granted that's pretty close to how I started off). I went back to get another round two weeks ago and my pain is so much worse now. I can't lie flat or sit down for more than 15 minutes without both of my legs going numb. I just want it to wear off soon.

Comment from: Abel, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: August 05

I had a little disc pain after a car accident. I had one set of lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injections on June 8th, 2021. Afterwards, I had proper pain shooting down my leg (sciatica). It's been two months. Thinking on suing for malpractice.

Comment from: Toots, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: August 05

I had extreme pain during the epidural steroid injection procedure, while I was under anesthetic. I was taken out of the treatment room screaming for morphine before I even woke up from the attempted injection, and hospitalized for three days in excruciating pain. The physician possibly nicked part of my spinal column!

Comment from: Painfully hopeless, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: July 14

I had a transforaminal epidural steroid injection for L4 and L5. When the doctor inserted the needle I told him it hurt, but he kept on going. Suddenly, I felt a pressure and burning sensation down my spine and legs, I could barely walk and had to be carried to the car. After that, I was in excruciating pain (still am). I couldn't walk, dragged myself to the bathroom, and now have a speech impediment, spasms in my diaphragm, and multiple falls. My legs go paralyzed, etc. Too many symptoms; I don't wish this upon anyone.

Comment from: Lydia, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: July 14

I had my 1st epidural steroid injection (L4 and L5). I had a very cold sensation during the injection in my left buttock check, asked the doctor if that was normal, and he said yes, but it did nothing for my back pain. Nine months later I tried it again at the same spot, but there was hot burning pain going down both legs to ankles. I thought I was going to pass out. The doctor left so fast I didn't get to ask why the difference, and now my pain is worse in the back, with pins and needles going down my thighs. No help at all.

Comment from: Lynn , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: July 07

Wonder if, during an epidural steroid injection (ESI) for lumbar spinal pain and severe sciatica, anyone ever had the doctor bend the needles in your back. I had an ESI done (attempted) in 2014 due to severe lumbar spine pain and severe, constant bilateral sciatica. The attempt caused more lumbar spine pain and more numbness in both feet. Tia!

Comment from: Higgdog, 75 or over Male (Patient) Published: June 30

I am very happy, after 26 intralaminar cervical epidural steroid injections at C5 by experienced anesthesiologists. Relief from terrible pain, well worth it.

Comment from: ToniTaylor, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 24

I had epidural steroid injections in my lower back about 2 weeks ago. At first I didn't notice much difference but then after about a week, my lower back and inner thighs have been in a constant spasm. I'm now wheelchair bound. I can only stand for a minute, when before, I could stand for about 10 minutes before having to sit down. I'm so disappointed. Spinal injections were my last hope of getting pain relief. Pain medicines just don't cut it anymore.

Comment from: Beach Jill, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 22

I have had 3-4 epidural steroid injections with and without sedation. I highly recommend sedation or you'll be screaming in agony like others here, while the doctor digs around for the right nerve. I felt the needle going into the first disc and the injection for 3 days afterward. I feel nauseous when I think about it. It's far more humane to get sedated.

Comment from: Rat, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 22

I had an epidural steroid injection 2 days ago. When he started to put lidocaine in my back, the pain was excruciating. I was unable to take the pain, he stopped and then forced steroid into the area. I could not turn over on the table, the pain was too bad. They turned me, and I could not use my left leg. Later, they tried to sit me up and the pain in my left hip was beyond 10. They wanted me to go to the emergency room (ER), but they would not use pain control. I am home and can't stand the pain, I'll see the doctor tomorrow as emergency appointment.


Nearly everyone has low back pain at some time during their life. See Answer

Comment from: Nicole, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 18

I had L4-L5 left side epidural steroid injection today. I'm having pain up my back, down my leg and in my groin. I've had quite a few steroid injections before with no side effects. I'm not understanding why today, this treatment is causing such discomfort. My doctor is very skilled and I am so thankful he has been so patient with me. I know he did not do anything wrong. I'm just wondering if I should call him.

Comment from: JoRo1980, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: June 10

I had a transforaminal epidural steroid injection in 2015 for L4-L5, for sciatica. The first time going, I remember feeling the injection in my spine, and burning sensation down my back. I told the doctor that it hurt, but he did not stop and kept going. When I left the surgery center my pain started increasing to the point I couldn't walk. I was seen in the emergency room (ER) numerous times. My legs have gone paralyzed for moments to even months. My speech is affected, I get spasms in my diaphragm, and have right eye visual distortion. Pain is 24/7.

Comment from: Lori, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 04

I have pinched nerves in my lower back after a history of two surgeries. I've seen many doctors and specialists and all said nothing surgical would help. I am a nurse and the pain was awful while driving to visits. I told my doctors I just couldn't live like that. The pain took over every aspect of my life. A few years ago I started getting epidural steroid injections (she used fluoroscopy, a must). I usually need 2 to 3 sessions but then it has been a miracle for about a year. Increases glucose, so be careful if diabetic.

Comment from: Darla, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 04

I had my epidural steroid injections one week ago today. I am better, I can walk better, etc., but, it hurt like crazy. I almost came off the table.

Comment from: patrickjlima3, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: May 26

Yes, my epidural steroid infection was the worst pain I ever had. Felt like a lightning bolt down my leg to the ankle and I yelled as loud as I can remember, 2 times 2 inches apart. I don't know if this is normal or negligent practice.

Comment from: SCavey, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 17

I twisted my back again and felt pain towards the left hip. X-rays showed arthritis. The 1st doctor put the epidural steroid injection in the wrong place, causing more pain. I was up 3 to 4 times a night to go to the bathroom. I went to doctor number 2 who said the shot should go in the hip, not back. Didn't put the shot in the hip, but mid-back. I was having trouble walking, getting up out of chair, bending and lifting. Six weeks later, I had another shot. This one went into the lower buttock area. My whole body flared in pain and all of my backside was numb. It is worse than before; can't sleep.

Comment from: C Cruse, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: May 17

I had two separate epidural steroid injections. Injection 1, in 1 hour I was pain free, then immediately the pain returned and then transferred to another region of the left quad, excruciating at times, to the point of not being able to walk. Injection 2, same results and no relief; only worsening pain in the left quad. I wonder if they missed the spot or hit a nerve to make it do this. The list goes on, as you may have experienced similar results.

Comment from: Lola, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 17

I had severe headache immediately after, which subsided. I had epidural steroid injection on the right L5-S1. Next morning I had severe pain in left buttock and back left thigh.

Comment from: Denise, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 17

I had a cervical epidural steroid injection today, oh man, it hurt so bad when he did it. I had one 3 years ago, guess I didn't remember the pain. Never again, I'm miserable to say the least right now. My shoulders, back and chest are burning and aching, and I have terrible hot flashes.

Comment from: sdfoxmama, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: May 14

Epidural steroid injections (ESIs) can cause arachnoiditis and adhesive arachnoiditis, it's much more common than interventional pain doctors will ever admit. It's grossly underdiagnosed and/or misdiagnosed, because doctors either don't want to give an iatrogenic diagnosis, or because they are uninformed about the disease and how to diagnose it. It took me two decades to figure out what was wrong with me, all stemming from an unnecessary, extremely painful, botched ESI performed on me when I was only 16.

Comment from: Nana, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 10

I had my first epidural steroid injection yesterday and the doctor hit a nerve. My left arm hurt from my shoulder to my fingertips, my arm shaking uncontrollably. I begged the doctor to stop, I couldn't take it anymore, he refused to stop and I think this is illegal. After he finished, the shaking stopped and the pain from my shoulder to my fingertips was the worst pain I ever felt. He said everything went as planned. It's been 24 hours, and I have not slept. The pain is a little better but I still feel the tingling.

Comment from: Jojo, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 10

It's been one week since I had my epidural steroid injections for L3-L4 spondylolisthesis with severe stenosis and bilateral sciatic pain. I had complete relief for the first 48 hours off the table except for mild injection site pain. On the 3rd day, I started to gradually feel the familiar buttock and leg pain. By the 4th day, I noticed bouts of more intense pain in short bursts. Now, on day 8, I'm having longer episodes of pain worse than it has been in almost a year. These are my first injections.

Comment from: Priscilla , 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: April 21

I was walking before I had the epidural steroid injection. I have a pinched nerve in my back and I got the epidural steroid shot, now I can walk but I am stuck on a walker, I don't know why.

Comment from: Andrea L., 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: April 21

I have some kind of spondylosis (S1/L5) and had my first epidural steroid injection about two weeks ago. For about a week after, I hurt so bad, then pain slowly was going away. Out of nowhere the pain came back 10 fold! I can't sit, can't stand for more than 5 minutes, can't lie down, and can't sleep. From the injection site right down my leg is a constant charley horse feeling. I just want to cry from the pain. If I had known it was going to be like this, I never would have gotten it.

Comment from: Tina, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: April 14

It's been 2 weeks since my cervical spinal epidural steroid injection, and now, I am having worsening pain shooting down my spine with weakness and pain in both legs. I can barely lean over without stabbing pain. I am also having weakness and pain running down my arm to the fingers with tingling and numbness. It hurts to bend my head backwards without sharp pain in the back of my neck, tingling in my feet and toes. Pain is now worse than before the procedure. I hurt down to my tailbone.

Comment from: Phyl44, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: April 14

After I had three epidural steroid injections in my lumbar back, what has happened is, my feet and legs got very swollen. Wonder if this is normal.

Comment from: Rexlee, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 12

I had a cervical epidural steroid injection 3 weeks ago. The worst pain I ever felt. Apparently the doctor hit a nerve. Not sure what it feels like to be electrocuted but that's how I felt. I had pain and electric spasms in the upper arm to the thumb until about 3 am. No relief and now I have new pain areas from the epidural. Never again for me!

Comment from: Lowie, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: April 07

It's been 2 weeks now since the epidural steroid injections into my spinal canal. The pain has increased tenfold. I cannot walk ten steps without agonizing, unbearable pain shooting down my back into my legs. I have to lie down all of the time to ease the pain. I was better off before I had the injections.

Comment from: Carolyn, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: April 07

No, I certainly did not experience complications from my epidural steroid injection. I have a chronic lumbar 3-4 herniated disc segment, and if I overdo which I have done and need to watch that problem, I wouldn't come around very well without them. I receive no more than 3 a year. I may try microsurgery if at any time the epidurals stop working. After I receive one under short anesthetic, for several hours I may feel more pressure and increased pain. The next day it feels much better. Right afterwards you need to go home and lie down.

Comment from: Lani, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 02

After my epidural steroid injection, I have stomach pain and am always feeling sick. I can barely walk with fatigue. I am hurting all over and have stiffness.

Comment from: Danielle-A, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: October 29

I had an epidural steroid injection 4 years ago now. I had 3 epidurals and 4 boosters altogether. Even now I still have back problems. My spine seizes up, and I can't move my hips or shoulders properly. If I do too much walking, lifting, etc., my legs get shooting pains up and into my spine to the point, if I try to lift up either leg more than 5 cm off the floor, I get intense burning pain up my spine and in my lower back. And then I won't be able to lift my legs for a good 6 weeks after. I can't click my back.

Comment from: Pattid, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: October 27

The epidural steroid injection was easy. The after effect caused more pain than before. It now week three since the shot. No relief; I have burning pain in the groin and down my leg.

Comment from: Susie, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: October 14

I just had an epidural steroid injection a week ago. My pain is worse now than before and I was told to give it more time. I had one 4 years ago with a different doctor and it did well for about 3 months. It was nothing like this and I am now worried something was botched.

Comment from: Glojo, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: October 13

I had 2 epidural steroid injections each side of the bottom of my spine and 2 on each side of my upper spine. That was 3 days ago and since then I have been in absolute agony. When the needles went in, that wasn't too bad. But 2 hours later, oh my goodness, I was crying with the pain. The bottom of my back is swollen and so very sore to the touch. My breathing is more labored than normal. I will never ever have another epidural steroid injection. I hope to goodness that this pain eases up soon.

Comment from: PAIN, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: October 13

Wow, a lot of negative comments. I am sorry the epidural steroid injections haven't helped you. I had two on each side of my neck. I broke my neck twice and have had numerous surgeries to no avail. Became addicted to pills. The injection helped me. I have severe chronic pain for 35 years, really bad. I feel the shots hurt, however, it's worth it. I'll be thankful if this lasts a while; a long while! Don't give up guys, keep trying maybe they'll help you too.

Comment from: Pain go, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: October 12

Wow, I had an epidural steroid injection yesterday. I feel so much better! I broke my neck twice and have had several surgeries and many pills. I think the shots work. I am off pills and I know I will do this. You must not dwell on the possibility of negative results think positive. Good wishes, you can do it if I can.

Comment from: the dude, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: October 07

I have lumbar stenosis and had my first epidural steroid injection between my S-1 and L-5 on September 28th, 2020. We are now on October 5th and some pain is returning, but mostly when I sit (I am an office worker), and on the opposite side of where the pain was coming from before.

Comment from: carlysue, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 06

All this makes horrendous reading. I had an epidural steroid injection last Thursday. It didn't cause me any pain at all except for the pricks as the needles went in. I was able to walk back to the cubicle without any problem and was able to go home 30 minutes later. As yet I have had no relief from my pain. But I just wanted to let people know that my procedure was not painful, just a little uncomfortable.

Comment from: Fay, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 24

I had an epidural steroid injection in the right side of my neck today. Right afterwards I had burning pain in my groin area, I wonder what this means.

Comment from: Kim W, 55-64 (Patient) Published: September 22

Two months ago I had series of epidural steroid injections in my spine. The pain is 10 times worse than before. I cannot walk more than 100 meters, and can't stand for more than 3 minutes. Now I am on more strong medication, have had 5 visits to chiropractor, with no help. I will never have them again.

Comment from: Azsharon, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: September 17

I broke my hip on vacation (no arthritis), and had a partial hip replacement. After 1 year, I had back problems, and the doctors said I have severe spinal stenosis, and I can have 3 epidural steroid injections. The 1st one, no relief. The 2nd one, I had problems, and now I have neuropathy. I don't know why this happened. My feet feel like they're encased in dried glue, have a cracked feeling. Now it seems to be spreading up my legs and it's hard to walk. Back doctor tells me to exercise and that seems to be spreading the problem. I do water exercises, and bought a spinning bike.

Comment from: kidd , 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: September 01

I have no control over my legs, can't walk or stand since my epidural steroid injection. It's over a year.

Comment from: sdfoxmama, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 31

A little over 20 years ago when I was just 16, I was given an epidural steroid injection by a physical medicine doctor. She seemed to be having a lot of trouble finding the epidural space, which resulted in more than a dozen very visible needle marks. Despite my cries, she would not stop, even though I pleaded with her to. I could tell that the intense pain I was feeling was not normal. I have been in severe pain every single day since that fateful one.

Comment from: Stretch1976, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 27

I got my 2nd epidural steroid injection this morning. I feel very tired and weak. And I have a weird taste in my mouth. Not sure if this is normal.

Comment from: Dazeyduke , 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 26

I had epidural steroid injection and after getting up off the table I became so faint two assistants had to practically carry me to recovery room and lay me in recliner. I then suffered a seizure and my blood pressure dropped dramatically. It took quite some time to stabilize me. I went home and for 2 months the pain in my back was so excruciating it overshadowed my original pain to the point I felt suicidal. Excruciating pain subsided and I still had original chronic back pain.

Comment from: Roklifter, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 25

Ask for sedation for your epidural steroid injection, trust me. My 1st experience in 2017 was very painful. Lower body fully spasmed while the needle was in spine. The doctor said to relax. He finished but I almost blacked out after. The procedure didn't make a difference. I had surgery 3 months later on L5/S1. Now I have issues on my right side and had another injection (sedated). Procedure was easy, but 1 week out, it is hard to sit or stand for long. Nerves firing off always and pain. Doubled gabapentin to 600 3 times a day. No difference, just pain.

Comment from: Whenwillitstop, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 24

I had an epidural steroid injection to help with my neck and radiculopathy down my right arm, and also migraine head pain. My headaches lessened for less than a week. I've been suffering with major insomnia for three weeks now, and also feeling very nauseous. I have to eat all the time as well, because I feel sick. I don't know how long this is going to last and how long before that shot gets out of me.

Comment from: Billy W, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: August 20

I went in for an epidural steroid injection of C5-C6 and while on the table I heard T-1 and then he started the injection. Pain wasn't bad but I am getting way worse with nausea. I looked at the MRI results and C7-T1 are unremarkable. Nowhere near my neck, site is between my shoulder blades. I am going to contact the state medical board.

Comment from: Yasir, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: August 20

I have read many negative stories online about back pain injections and myths that it may not work or may do more bad than good. I was in pain for 3 years and finally made my mind to test 1 epidural steroid injection, no harm, after all I was in pain already. I was nervous but my doctor did the procedure with sedation where I went to sleep, and when I woke up all was done. It worked well for me and gave me a relief almost a year on now. I would suggest people in pain to discuss with your doctor. All bodies are different.

Comment from: Val aw, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 14

I've had many epidural steroid injections over the years. I would not be able to manage my back pain secondary to advanced arthritis and degenerative disc disease without them. I've experienced side effects but learned how to minimize them. I was having serious blood pressure (BP) falls during the epidural. My doctors gave me IV atropine before each epidural since and it prevents the fall in BP. A few years ago my doctor accidentally hit a cyst so now he uses the caudal approach with no problems.

Comment from: Caroline , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 13

I have had a second lot of epidural steroid injections in my back this morning. And my right leg is hurting. I would have thought it would be giving me some relief.

Comment from: Kimka, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 11

Post epidural steroid injection my feet are numb. I can't walk on my own. I am trying to stay active, I get around the apartment, and I vacuumed two rooms yesterday. That wore me out completely. Now I have buttock and thigh pain to boot! I just called the pain clinic, and she said to allow 2 weeks. I was prescribed gabapentin 100 mg BID. I don't understand what's going on!

Comment from: Torturedbydoctors, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 07

I had an epidural steroid injection (ESI) years ago and I remember being in so much pain that I was held down until I passed out from the pain. The ESI was absolute torture and patient abuse. A few days after I lost use of bowel and bladder control and had to have a spine surgery. My spine was really bad at L4/L5, but the injection either injured or exacerbated my condition. I have had 5 spine surgeries because of my spine 'disintegrating,' according to the last surgeon. He felt the ESI I had years prior was the cause.

Comment from: MS, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 06

I am concerned, my inner right leg and knee are swollen after my epidural steroid injection.

Comment from: Sylvie, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 04

I had an epidural steroid injection four weeks ago. I wish I hadn't done it. The back and sciatic pain are a lot worse now than before the shot. The first two weeks, I was told that it is normal to have a flare up but that the pain should subside starting week 3 or 4. Right now, the pain is increasing every day to reach a level of pain I had not had in a long time. Medicine doesn't help and now I worry that the cortisone is damaging the bone or that I have an infection.

Comment from: Sissi, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 04

I got epidural steroid injections in L-4 and L-5 2 months ago, and the pain got much worse after, for weeks. I am currently experiencing extreme muscle weakness, legs pain and tremors. Never again.

Comment from: Beenthere, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: August 03

I have never been helped by this treatment with epidural steroid injection. I feel it's a way for doctors to profit, not heal. If you've had them and your run into a profit-minded doctor, start a search for another one. A tiny dose on a pain pump works miracles.

Comment from: Barbaraj, 55-64 Female (Caregiver) Published: July 31

The doctor hit a nerve or nerve root while giving the epidural steroid injection, which sent my hip into a spasm. It was the worst pain I have ever had. I was hysterical.

Comment from: Ann, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: July 28

After the epidural steroid injection I could not stand or walk; the pain in my legs and knees were horrific. It's been 4 months and I'm in worse pain than before the injection. This was my 5th injection over time and I have never experienced this kind of pain or reaction from an injection. Will this pain ever go away! I'm in pain 24/7 with no relief; prescribed pain medication is not helping. Stimulus therapy has been recommended; but I am afraid to have anyone go into my back again.

Comment from: Cher, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: July 28

I had my 2nd epidural steroid injection on 7/24/20, and it was awful. The needle went in ok. The first dose went in fine. He adjusted the needle and the pain was off the scale. I yelled and wanted to jump off the table, but knew I couldn't. I had to just lie there while he injected me two more times in that horrific pain! I'm not doing a third shot! Just hoping he didn't damage anything.

Comment from: Dobby , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 27

I'm a 25 year old female with spondylolisthesis, cerebral palsy, and a cyst on my spine among other issues. I had my first lumbar epidural injection with medial blocker and steroid, today. It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. It's been over 12 hours and I'm still very sore and sluggish. I don't think I can physically go through it again.

Comment from: Marshmello, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: July 24

I have had 6 epidural steroid injections over the last year and a half. There was a 6-month period between my past injection and the most recent one. Last injection was very painful because the doctor said he was going to go in right next to the nerve. I had a few days where I felt better, then suddenly I've been in the worst nerve pain I've ever had. I now have it in my groin and never did before. The severity of the nerve pain is worse than any pain I have ever experienced. I'm miserable and considering surgery.

Comment from: buster17, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: July 23

I was diagnosed with diverticulitis 7 years ago, and had very few flare ups, so had got very complacent. The doctor said to eat anything. I ate a bag of popcorn and now have a flare up so I'm convinced that foods like this do cause flare ups. I'm trying to manage with no antibiotics, as I have no fever or blood in stool, just low pain and loose stools. Don't eat popcorn!

Comment from: MaryS., 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: July 16

I had my first epidural steroid injection for my sciatica and they didn't sedate me. The pain got me screaming for 30 seconds straight. It didn't work. I had my 2nd injection yesterday and I was sedated for that one. No side effects, just hoping for some pain relief.

Comment from: Lisa, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: July 14

Yesterday was the 2nd of 2 epidural steroid injections (ESIs), 7 days apart, for L5-S1 sciatica. I had successful ESIs in 2018 with nil post-procedure side effects except amazing pain relief. The injection pain was moderate to severe but lasted no more than 10 minutes. The recent injections though were so excruciating I screamed at the doctor to stop. After yesterday's injection, I had pins and needles, then worsening numbness and weakness in the buttock, shin and foot that followed exaggerated L5-S1 dermatome regions and I couldn't walk unaided for 11 hours; very dense block.

Comment from: Lorid941, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: July 07

I had my first lumbar epidural steroid injection today at L5 for a pinched nerve. I'm terrified of needles so I was super nervous. They gave me an IV with a sedative in it. I felt a little pinch and that's it. I didn't have any swelling at all in my injection areas. No pain in my back today at all. A little tingling in my right leg but nothing to talk about. I felt nauseated all day but then I didn't eat anything before the procedure because I thought I had to fast. So far so good!

Comment from: fotica, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: July 07

I had my first epidural steroid injection yesterday. My nerve being pinched at the spine L5. I also have bone spur and a herniated disc. I still have the same pain, maybe a little worse while lying down. I am hopeful it will be better after 48 hours.

Comment from: Raymo, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: June 30

The doctor told me he was 4 mm from his target location for the epidural steroid injection, and I felt like my left leg was being electrically shocked. I have never felt pain that severe in my life and I was made to feel as if I had done something wrong. He finally stopped when I couldn't take it anymore and I never received the injection. He said he would have to try it from a different angle. After that experience, I don't know if I want to even try it again. I'm suffering from herniated discs in L4 and L5.

Comment from: Carrieanne , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 23

I had the epidural steroid injections in my lower back on each side of my spine on Thursday. Today is Saturday and I am having horrible, sharp, shooting pain and burning in my lower left leg and the same thing behind my right knee. It's extremely painful!

Comment from: Willistheway, 45-54 Male (Caregiver) Published: June 18

I got epidural steroid injections years ago and I'm still having complications from them. I have terrible muscle weakness and constant pain in my legs, it's an ongoing thing, and never any relief from it!

Comment from: Babytee, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 17

I am wondering if epidural steroid injections make you have diarrhea. I am having to go to the bathroom.

Comment from: John, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: June 17

I had my first epidural steroid injection about 4 weeks ago. Since then, zero to little back pain and the tingling is gone in my leg. Also since then, I've had nausea, headaches, tremors in my hands, 10 lb. of weight loss, depression, muscle spasms, and frequent urination. I hope this ends soon because depression is starting to sink in also.

Comment from: KD, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 09

This is the 3rd epidural steroid injection I have had for L4-L5 bulging disc, and the first that I have had nausea and dizziness. It is still going on a week later.

Comment from: Lou, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 03

I had two epidural steroid injections three weeks apart, because the first did not work (I'd had one 4 years ago when in tremendous pain and it saved me so I had every faith it would help again). The night after the 2nd one I had horrible pain and burning in my lower leg, and I had to go to Accident and Emergency. It was so painful I was on my knees crying in the corridor waiting for the doctor. They said it was reaction to a caudal epidural and will subside. It did but I am left with intermittent burning in my shin and weak legs. Horrible.

Comment from: Rhonda, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 03

I had my first epidural steroid injection a month ago. During procedure the doctor kept hitting my bone, switched gauges of needle, yelled for catheter and hit my nerve. Pain is worse in the area for which I went in, and I have more pain in other areas. They want me to get a 2nd one, needless to say, I am terrified of such.

Comment from: BassGirl , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 02

I started experiencing a throbbing, burning, sensitive to touch pain in my left scapula since getting my epidural steroid shot (to relieve lower lumbar pain).

Comment from: Sylvie, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: May 20

I got the epidural steroid injections 4 days ago. I felt really tired the first 3 days but I was able to go for a walk morning and evening. Today I feel terrible; extreme dizziness. When I woke up I felt fine but when I started to eat... the pressure of the food in my intestines is causing me pain. Bowel movement is making me worse and I can barely hold my bladder. I have more pain now than prior to the injections. Regretting the whole thing now.

Comment from: DebP, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: May 19

I had two spinal injections yesterday. I'm a 66 year old female, still working full time. I have arthritis in several lumbar areas. The injections went smoothly. Local anesthetic and two valium 25 mg each. I hardly felt them. They were like bee stings. Today, there's some nervous energy, a little anxiety, but no back pain. The pain is gone, and I'll take the anxiety over it any day. As a bonus, I have an autoimmune condition that produces hives, and they are gone as well. I'll do it again, no question.

Comment from: Giana , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 06

I had my first epidural steroid injection for L5-S1 bulging disc. I do not recommend it for anyone who has issues with anxiety as it caused an extreme increase in anxiety as well as agitation. It also caused a reaction on my skin, my face swelled up, and there was no pain relief. Providers will try to push this treatment as the cure all. It does not fix the problem, and with that being said, it's not going to work for everyone. Advocate for yourself!

Comment from: Sarah k, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: April 24

I was given an epidural steroid injection while pregnant. I miscarried and ended up in the emergency room. I couldn't move without pain for 3 weeks, and had incontinence and agoraphobia that persisted for months afterwards.

Comment from: teagan, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: April 22

This is my third time with these epidural steroid injections (L5 and S1 transforaminal epidural). It is day three and I have numbness in both my arms and they feel heavy. I've never had this reaction before and waiting to hear back from the doctor. I am very concerned to say the least. The first two times were successful, but I will never do this again.

Comment from: Alannah, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: April 21

I have 2 slipped discs and facet joint damage. After 5 months I had nerve cortisone injections in my lower spine. Oh my goodness, the pain that epidural steroid injection caused! They held me down. It's been awful. The pain after was as intense as when I first injured myself. Every day I have been getting worse. Now 4 weeks later, my lower back, middle of my back and neck are stiff and on fire. Irritability is so bad I contemplate hospital as I just want it all to stop. The pain in my lower back and spine are the worst. I want it to stop.

Comment from: David, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: April 21

I had a bulging disc at L4-L5 and the back doctor pushed an epidural nerve block injection on me. I felt bullied knowing the nerve block is a money maker at USD 1500 a shot. Making the story short, after the epidural steroid injection, two hours later something popped and severe pain hit. All I could do was scream and I knew what happened! I rushed myself to the hospital, MRI was done, and the emergency room doctor said she didn't see any changes in the bulging disc. She said she could put me in a room with medication; Yes! This was Friday, and Monday I had surgery.

Comment from: Jyeager, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: April 07

I had a hot burning sensation that went down my spine from the point of the epidural steroid injection; down to and including my crotch.

Comment from: No more, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: April 02

I had radiofrequency ablation after epidural steroid injections. My hair started thinning and at times I get stabbing pain. Also I'm being treated for a urinary tract infection (UTI). I never should have agreed to any injections.

Comment from: Rissa, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: March 19

The doctor never mentioned pain medicine before the epidural steroid injection. I was screaming with excruciating pain from the needles, no anesthesia. The sciatica pain was almost unbearable, so I thought finally I will get relief. After the procedure the doctor said, it was possible to have pain for 5 to 7 days. Today being the 7th day, yes, it still hurts. I had the injection 7 years ago, and no way was it even close to the torture this time. I am 88 and don't take medicines. I have been living on Advil and Aleve, and neither one is good for you. I don't' know what I can do now.

Comment from: Terrynumbernine, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: March 16

I received a cervical epidural steroid injection on my neck on 3/12/2020. I've had several of these over several years and used the same doctor. This one was so painful during the procedure and in recovery continued to get worse. I had chest and arm pain, and weakness and tingle in my left arm. My pain got so bad I was sent to the emergency room and on the way I started having strong convulsions on my right side affecting my right side and affecting my speech. Hours later and after medication it finally subsided enough for me to go home.

Comment from: Dale, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: March 16

I had an epidural steroid injection last November in my spine. The doctor hit a nerve and I had a very sharp pain. After the procedure I went home. It's been going downhill ever since. I truly believe I got some permanent damage. I suspect arachnoiditis. Beware of these off-label procedures.

Comment from: D Haggy, 65-74 (Patient) Published: March 13

I had an epidural steroid injection last November in my spine. When the injection was given I got one very sharp pain. A few months after I started with burning in my low back and hips. I now worry about arachnoiditis.

Comment from: Dena , 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: March 13

I just had my first epidural steroid injection about an hour ago. I was nervous going into it but the nurses and surgeon were extremely friendly and told me it's a quick procedure and not as painful as it seems. When they numbed my back it felt a little bit worse than a bee sting. The surgeon then put the other needle in and informed me that I was going to feel a short pain in my left leg for about 10 seconds. He injected it and it was extreme pain. I started to tear up and got dizzy.

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Muscle Spasms After Lower Back Injection on Opposite Side


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